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Hello Cleveland PR Logo

First things first—allow us to introduce ourselves.

We are Hello – a small but mighty engagement agency made up of all women. We are small with intent. We know big. We were big. Big has limitations. Layers. Politics. Flaws. You sell a good solution, then peace out.

We are going to be bigger and better by being smaller.

Small is more fulfilling. Small delivers better results. Small can deliver real relationships. Small is efficient & nimble. We will never be big… And that’s a good place to be.

At Hello, we work pretty hard to create engaging experiences. Two-way, mutually beneficial experiences & relationships between you + your consumer. And despite the crazy world we live in, it’s never been easier to get to know said consumer and make that relationship a reality.

No really, we can show you.

Welcome to Hello LLC, an Engagement Agency.

We are small with intent. We know big. We were big. Big has limitations. Layers. Politics. Flaws. You sell a good solution and then peace out. We helped create big. We were part of big. No thanks.

We are going to be bigger and better by being smaller. Where we can make a difference.

Small is more fulfilling. Small delivers better results. Small can deliver relationships where real value can be seen. Small is efficient and nimble. We will never be big… And that’s a good place to be.

Our Approach

01 – Discovery

What’s the business outcome? What keeps you up at night? What’s the conversation? What’s the competition up to?

Our Approach

02 – Insight

Really, this step is first cousins with Discovery. Here, we get deep inside your customer’s head to find out what keeps them up at night. And we’re not just talking women, 35–54 with a HHI of $75,000. No, we’re talking a working mom in her mid 30s of two crazy toddlers, avid yogi, addicted to Starbucks soy cappuccino, doesn’t have cable in favor of Netflix, has a slight panic attack every time her iPhone is not within arm’s reach and hates when the clock turns 4 because she has no idea what to feed her family that night.

Our Approach

03 – Strategy + Hypothesis

Insight always drives strategy. Now that we’re armed with all this information, we’re able to figure out the best way to help solve your challenge.

Our Approach

04 – Ideate

Strategy comfortably in place, we begin the fun part—the ideation process. So how are we going to bring your strategy to life?

Our Approach

05 – Engage

We’re media agnostic up until this point, but now we’re able to clearly see what specific tactics are needed to support the big idea and your Value Exchange. These may include: community management, blogger outreach, media relations, events, customer service, crisis support, content development + more.

Our Approach

06 – Measure (Rinse + Repeat)

Ok, we told a slight fib. Don’t hold it against us. We say this is last but it’s actually sitting up there pretty snug in Discovery. That’s because before we get started, we’ll determine KPIs for success together. And then we’ll monitor our performance along the way and modify as needed to optimize for greater success. We are always in beta—always learning.